Wednesday 12th September 2018
Robyn Clarke MLA Member for Murray-Wellington starting the ADSA Harvey Walk Around Town at the Harvey Community Resource Centre.
The ADSA Harvey Walk Around Town start line in the grounds of the Harvey CRC
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO!
Harvey Lions cooking up a storm of sausages for the hungry team 

Australind Lions present a generous donation
Uduc Road Lap Card Stamping Station
The Prize Winners!
A big thank you to Tracey-Ann and the girls at the Harvey CRC for hosting the ADSA Walk Around Town Team.
The ADSA 2018 Harvey Walk Around Town was made possible by the generous welcome and support from the Harvey CRC. The Harvey CRC grounds made the perfect place to have our Walk headquarters and everyone enjoyed the lovely garden and surrounds. We wish the Harvey CRC team all the best with their ongoing support of the Harvey Community and for their future endeavors.
Thank you also to the Shire of Harvey, the Harvey Lions, Robyn Clarke MLA, Supa IGA Harvey and
especially the Harvey Primary School Children who cheered us on!